The “Digital Twins of the River” Hackathon, organised by the Grand Port Maritime de Bordeaux (GPMB), in partnership with NAOS, took place on 31 January, 1 and 2 February 2022 on the GPMB site.
The candidates worked intensively for 3 days to imagine and develop tools around digital replicas of the Gironde, Garonne and Dordogne Estuaries, in order to anticipate climate change and bring operational solutions to the various users of water: navigation, nature protection, biodiversity or improvement of knowledge.
The “Garonne 2050” study carried out by the Adour-Garonne Water Agency predicts a 50% reduction in low water levels in 2050, which would have a strong impact on the dynamics of the river (increase in muddy deposits, precarious aquatic life, navigation difficulties, increase in dredging requirements, etc.). The urgency imposed by the challenges of climate change implies a strong mobilisation around the Garonne and the Gironde Estuary.
This is why the Grand Port Maritime de Bordeaux has initiated, with the support of France Relance, an innovative operation for the development of digital tools around the multiple uses and challenges of the river.
The jury, composed of various water stakeholders, had the task of selecting a winner from the 4 candidate groups of companies. Among the 2 finalists, after the creation of an operational model and the evaluation of the model’s accuracy and calculation speed, the Egis and Oslandia grouping finally won the “race”.
The company Fieldbox is also part of the project as a subcontractor and brings its expertise in data science and software development for the construction of the Giros platform, as well as in AI for the implementation of virtual sensors.