Precarious aquatic life, navigation difficulties, increased dredging needs, this is the reality that awaits us in 2050, if we do nothing. Based on these observations made by the Adour-Garonne Water Agency in its “Garonne 2050” study, the Grand Port Maritime de Bordeaux has set up a roadmap with precise objectives for the development of digital twins.
The ambition of the “Digital Twins of the River” is in line with 2 of the 11 objectives of the Neo Terra roadmap (Ecological and Energy Transition of the New Aquitaine Region) which guides the regional action:
Ambition 8: Preserve our natural resources and biodiversity (maintenance and development of life, socio-economic development and attractiveness of territories)
Ambition 9: Preserve and protect water resources
The model of the digital twins of the river based on the Gironde XL 3D project aims to be operational by 2023. Developed by Egis and Oslandia, the winner of the public contract in the form of a Hackathon in 2022, the digital twins platform is intended to make available powerful calculation tools to analyse, simulate and observe the behaviour of the river, but also to federate a community of users who will contribute to the development and improvement of the various tools.
These free digital tools (Open Source) and the sharing of physico-chemical data (Open Data) in rivers and estuaries with a logic of mutualisation and cost reduction, will allow the different users to carry out their missions with greater efficiency.
The use of digital models, which are now part of the regional digital heritage, is essential when carrying out studies in order to share model improvements and results at the territorial level. The opening of access to the source codes on the NAOS forge and the animation of a community will allow collectively to go further and faster.
The partners of the digital twins are convinced of the importance of acting together in order to better prepare for the river-sea issues of tomorrow and are aware of the environmental and socio-economic interests to be structured.
The vision of governance of the digital twins is based on three axes: transparency, cooperation and participation. This governance is not yet formalized, but discussions are underway to define and specify its form.
Also, the precision of the models in relation to the uses and the priorities of evolutions are part of the discussions to come.