


Initiated by the Grand Port Maritime de Bordeaux at the end of 2021, with the help of France Relance and territorial water stakeholders, this project aims to pool efforts to create digital twins of the river* and share the results in order to increase the territorial resilience of the Gironde estuary.

(*) Digital replica of the river to simulate its behaviour in different situations

The project began as an Innovation Partnership with a Hackathon organised in January 2022 with the application of 4 groups of companies under the aegis of a jury: 

Agence de l’Eau Adour-Garonne | EPIDOR | SHOM | SMEAG | SMIDDEST | VNF | Port de Bordeaux, assisté par des experts : OFB | CEREMA | Laboratoire EPOC de l’Université de Bordeaux | Pilotage de Gironde

The jury

The experts

The representatives of the applicant groups

The design, modelling and development phases followed one another and enabled the jury to specify the objectives, select the winner and develop the solution, leading to the first version of an operational Digital Twins service in early 2023.

They support us

The use of Open Source facilitates the pooling of efforts and the sharing of results. 

The GIRONDE XL 3D open source digital model has benefited from the support of European and international funds linked to several R&D projects in which the Grand Port Maritime of Bordeaux is involved.

The first version of GIRONDE XL 3D was created by the CEREMA in 2019 upon the initiative of the Grand Port Maritime of Bordeaux.

  • EU – Gironde XL 3D CEF (2014-2019); Open Source hydro sediment modeling of the estuary
  • EU – ECCLIPSE (Interreg Sudoe – 2019-2023) Adaptation of ports to climate change impacts
  • France – Canada – ANR – (2019-2024) – EMPHASE impacts of navigation on shoreline erosion.

The Open Source ecosystem of the Digital Twins of the River, which is based on the GIRONDE XL 3D model, was supported by France Relance